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My casa away from home!

I lived in this house for almost two of my three months in Ecuador. I loved it here–it became my home. 



While living in Casa Blanca ministry looked like…

  • Work around the property:

This included lots of wood chopping, trench digging, mattress moving, clothes sorting and more!


  • Camp Hope:

We went to Camp Hope which is an organization that works with children with special needs.While at Camp Hope, we cleaned and organized and cleaned and prayed and cleaned and cracked some nuts, and did I mention cleaning? There were no kids there right now because of Covid, but we did get to help bring some life back in the place and prepare everything for when they can return.


^When we were working around the property at Casa Blanca and at Camp Hope, God really shifted my mindset on what ministry was supposed to look like–and you can read more about that in my blog redefining ministry. It was really cool to learn that lesson because then all the ministry moving forward was a billion times more special!!  


  • Venezuela in Ecuador:

We got to paint this room to help them in their process of getting approved to open a clinic for the Venezuelan refugees and anyone in need in Ecuador. The man running this organization is a Venezuelan refugee himself and it was inspiring to hear all he had gone through and all he is doing everyday to help those in need around him!


  • Painting Casa Blanca:

When my team and I finished all the projects around the property faster than expected, our ministry hosts had the opportunity to start on a project they had been dreaming of for years, but never had the chance. We got to design and paint each room where the future missionaries will stay.

  • Cru:

Our last week in Ecuador my team and I had the opportunity to work with Cru and we helped the students learn English in their zoom classes. It was kind of awkward at times, like most zoom classes are, but in class we had some of the sweetest and funniest students! We had one student ask us really good questions after sharing our testimonies and she thanked us. She told us that she did not believe in God, but our kindness and respect gave her a more positive view of Jesus. What a sweet moment that made all the cameras off and awkward silences 100% worth it! 


Here are a few pictures: